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What You Need :

  • Cups (Amount Varies)

  • Flashcards containing course content

  • Ping Pong Bals

  • Table

  • Water Cup ( To rinse ping pong balls)

  • Revolting drink mixture


Instructions :

  1. Set the cups in triangle form on each side of the table and fill each cup with the drink mixture.

  2. Split flashcards and ping pong balls in half and set them on both sides of the table.

  3. Divide into teams and start the game!


Rules :

The goal is to get ride of the opposing teams cups. To do this, each player will attempt to shoot a ball into the opposing teams cups. Each team battles each other in a test of both pong skills and knowledge until one of the teams cups are completely eliminated. The losing team has to perform an embarassing task chosen by the winning team. 


If You Make It Into The Cup :

If a player is to land a ball in the opposing teams cup, they will receive a question. If the player answers the question right, an opposing player of the shooters choice will have to drink the cup that the ball landed in. If the player is to get the question wrong, the shooter has to consume the cup that the ball landed in, thus scoring a point for the opposing team.


If You Miss The Cup: 

If a player does not make it into the cup, they are still given a question. If they get the question right, nobody has to drink. If they get they get the questoin wrong, they have to drink the cup the ball landed closest too, this also scores a point for the opposing team. 

How To Play : Study Pong

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